

Offer solutions for your school
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1.4 pillars of successful implementation




Because we know that the teacher is key, we inspire and train thousands of teachers every year. Naše tréninky a profesionální rozvoj pedagogů plně podporují zapojení nový technologií a trendů do výuky. Naše kurzy jsou akreditované MŠMT a rozdělené do jednotlivých uživatelských úrovní. At the training sessions we provide you with expert trainers and consultants to help you achieve a natural integration of not only technology, but also new trends or RVP into your teaching.

3.Content and resources


On our portal Veš you will find countless inspiring articles, videos, webinars and over 35,000 ready-to-use digital learning materials categorized by subject. Collaborate and get inspired to create your own teaching preparations to achieve the best possible result in the classroom using SMART technologies. Hledáme výukové zdroje, materiály, aktivity, programy a další zdroje, které vám pomohou využít SMART technologie tím nejlepším způsobem. We are also working with the country's leading professional textbook publishers to create interactive materials that integrate digital content with traditional textbooks.



Modern technology is a key enabler to engage, motivate, involve and effectively manage classroom activities for young people today. We offer a wide range of proven classroom products and complete solutions from educational software to fully equipped tribal and vocational classrooms for language, science, robotics, VR and 3D learning. Choosing the right resources, including the necessary software, is important. Individual tools need to be easy and intuitive to use and work well together as a whole.



Compatible technology without the hassle. Thanks to the use of standard installations, we can offer schools a complete installation service. Our support does not end with the sale and installation of equipment. We have a range of extra services to keep your technology serving you reliably and bringing you even more benefit and enjoyment.

Inspirativní setkání pro ředitele středních škol na Weilovce

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