Hybrid learning is not just a covid issue

It is best to have all students in the classroom and learn normally. However, even outside of pandemic situations, there will always be some long-term absent student, for example due to oncological diagnoses, serious injuries or a long-term stay abroad. These students previously had to learn on their own at home and catch up on the curriculum with difficulty, often through one-on-one consultations that are time-consuming for teachers. However, online teaching has opened up new possibilities for involving these students in the regular educational process.

Standard of blended learning: uuser-friendly environment for teachers, pleasant and a normal school environment for students in the classroom and at home.

When teaching, the teacher normally uses his teacher's computer or brings his own laptop, which he simply connects. Using the interactive display, SW and the activities used, it engages both students in the classroom and those at home. The teacher can move freely around the classroom while explaining and communicating with the class, and the students at home can still hear him. If he wants to share with students at home, for example, a practical experiment or a write-up outside the interactive display, all he has to do is select the preset shooting options of the rotating camera with one button. Students in the classroom and at home can hear each other and can respond to each other normally, thus preserving the social aspect of learning.

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