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Training and prepared tasks

We will introduce you to the VEX solution, where students can gradually move from the very beginning with the basic VEX 123 robot, through the simple VEX GO robot kit, to more complex and robust kits. All based on the Scratch environment, which is a huge advantage for both students and teachers. Alternatively, for the more advanced, there is Python and C++ based text-based programming.

Have you opted for the VEX robotics kits or are you currently considering buying one? Our partnership doesn't end with the product, we'll walk you through the robotics step by step. As part of your VEX purchase, you also get free training (1 VEX kit = free training for 1 teacher). The training takes place in three successive phases. Just go through the stages and you can start teaching robotics with VEX. No previous robotics experience is necessary, even complete beginners can do it. But even experienced programmers will find handy tips here. Prepared methodological materials and exercises will also help you to integrate VEX into your teaching.



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Polytechnika rozvíjí klíčové dovednosti 21. století
1 MB


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Offer solutions for your school
5 MB

Inspirational videos

VEX IQ Challenge 2022

VEX IQ Challenge 2022 in Prague
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Introduction of VEX 123

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Special classroom for advanced robotics

Kuka Ruka
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Introduction of VEX Go

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VEX V5 Workcell

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What solution are you looking for?

Contact us and we will find the best solution for you.


Important links



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