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We are already teaching computer science according to the new concept

The F. Hrubín Primary School is one of the schools that started teaching the subject of computer science according to the new concept this school year. With a little exaggeration, it can be considered a "revolution" in this area of education.

The new school curriculum "School for Life", which has been in force at the school since 1 September 2021, already contains desirable innovations based on the Ministry of Education's revised and modernised Framework Curriculum for Primary Education. The educational content of computer science now has four thematic units: a) Data, information and modelling, b) Algorithmization and programming, c) Information systems and d) Digital technologies.

Photographs from a computer science lesson in the fourth grade, where the subject is being introduced, illustrate the fact that the "new" computer science is not just about working with computers. The boys and girls here use the VEX123 robot as a tool to develop their computational thinking. Working with it allows the pupils to develop competences related to the educational content of the thematic unit Algorithmization and Programming.

Changes in the content of the teaching of the computer science, which are being and will be gradually introduced, will ensure that pupils at the end of compulsory schooling, i.e. at the end of the ninth grade, acquire the key competence needed for life in today’s society – digital literacy corresponding to the dynamics and needs of the 21st century. I would also characterize it as follows: “We want to strive for our graduates to understand the principles of computers and other devices, to understand the importance of information and data in today’s society, and to be able to solve problems using algorithmization and data records.

PaedDr. Václav Hujer, ICT Coordinator

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