Habrmanova elementary school, Česká Třebová

At Habrmanova elementary school, sensors intended for experiments are used predominantly by students, supporting their interest in natural sciences.

We have PASCO thanks to the project...

Our school was able to obtain a larger number of PASCO sensors thanks to the “School Experiments in Natural Sciences” project funded from the “Education for Competitiveness” Operational Programme, section “Enhancement of Quality of Education”. AV MEDIA won the tender and our school acquired 46 sensors of 16 types. The overall tender naturally also included measurement interfaces for working in the field as well as for integration to laptop, and, last but not least, the PASCO software.

In the project, we committed ourselves to creating teaching materials, waking the interest of our students in natural sciences, introducing new forms of teaching. Having been thoroughly trained, our selected teachers started to work with the sensors. All of them became proficient users of the new devices and now our school makes use of PASCO sensors in physics, chemistry, natural science and general human education. Instead of memorizing facts, unattractive and tedious teaching, passive acceptance of information, we make our students acquire the required knowledge themselves by means of simple experiments. We motivate our students to pursue their further studies in natural sciences and develop their technical thinking. We create problem-oriented tasks, exploit group work, make our students acquire new information in new ways even using traditional events such as project days, walks through the nature, etc.

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