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PASCO classroom at Tusarova elementary school

The Tusarova elementary school in Prague has a top level interactive classroom intended for natural sciences equipped with specialized furniture and PASCO systems.

Tusarova elementary school took over its historically first PASCO classroom at the end of holiday 2014.

The multifunction classroom aspires to become the most modern specialized classroom intended for natural sciences in Prague. It was conceived as a modern laboratory for the purpose of physics, chemistry and biology. Available for the children is the most recent PASCO© educational system providing a comprehensive platform for experiments in classes of natural sciences.

The PASCO measurement systems have been produced for over 40 years. They provide their users with a complete equipment for teaching of natural sciences. These top quality technological tools always follow the latest educational trends. They stimulate interest in natural sciences, inspire students and their teachers and promote applied sciences during the classes of physics, biology, chemistry or environmental education. For each subject, PASCO has particular sets of measuring probes, sensors and experimental accessories, as well as suggested school experiments including the methodology for workshops intended for teachers.

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