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Experience with set for mixed teaching in Prostějov

We were probably all happy to go back to "normal" full-time teaching, but now that someone was missing from my class, I was wondering whether to use the online options...

The teacher, Hana Zbořilová, therefore arranged with AV MEDIA to lend her a set for blended learning to try it out. And it worked out great - she has written the benefits below. And the set has now become a permanent fixture in the classroom and a natural part of the teaching.


  • When children are sick, constant connection to the classroom. In 3 months, only 5 days were set unused when all children were in school.
  • Children hear explanations at home, can ask questions right away about what they don't understand, take notes with us, don't miss anything, send finished work from home to chat.
  • Thanks to the camera, we were able to involve the child in pair work with the child at school as well.
  • We joined the project(Not)ordinary census , where we linked up with two other schools in one lesson to share our experiences of what can and cannot be added to 1. Grade 1, Grade 2 and secondary school (see
  • We would like to connect with the school of our new pupil Susan, who moved to us from England in November.
  • The bulletin board on the set serves as a second surface that we use for group work.

Interesting articles about set and blended learning

Mixed Learning in Reverse:

How blended learning works: Interactive Education

Ministry has first results of blended learning:

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