Unified Communication at the Kiekert Company
Quality awareness of all employees is the main key to the success of the company.
During an interview with Dušan Herbs, Finance & IT Team Leader, we learned how Kiekert-CS, s.r.o. based in Přelouč informs employees about what is happening in the company, upcoming changes and news.
“In such a large factory like Kiekert-CS we need to maintain unified corporate communications. To achieve this, we must ensure effective forms of internal communication throughout the whole factory,” said Mr. Herbs when opening the conv ersation.
We were looking for a solution to easily and effectively convey key information not only from senior management, but also other divisions for all employees. We decided to publish Information over so-called informational televisions - TV info. The first three are placed in public areas of the plant. Logically, in corporate cafeteria and break rooms for staff production lines as well.
After three months of trial operation, we investigated the efficiency and response of our employees. The feedback was very positive. In the past, we published important information in paper format, because most employees in manufacturing lack their own corporate e-mail or intra-net access. It was logistically demanding and extremely time- consuming and it wits challenging to reach the employees with the information.
Now we publish in a clear graphical form all information from safety to production quality, adherence to corporate policies, economic performance e.g. how Kiekert in Přelouč cooperd tes with the Kiekert pants world wide.
The contents have gradually expanded even to animated clips with a particular theme. Placing the contents is done by the person chosen to deliver documents in PowerPoint in individual departments - Human Resources, Production, Logistics, IT, Finance and more. PowerPoint has proven to be effective, because we use it with the prescribed graphic form (type, color, font size, location and image form) that we as a company consistently use. The results are eventually exported to players in JPG format
Currently, we use seven professional information TV displays with Full HD resolution and a diagonal image of 42". All displays are connected to player by a player designed for Dynamic Signage. Two assemblies are in the company cafeteria, when open for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The others are in recreational areas of the factory, which are open around the clock, where employees have the opportunity to read information presented at their leisure. Information is updated according to the priorities, but in general it can be said that once a week there is an update. We present the same content on all information displays but only when it really makes sense.
“Recently I was delighted when planned visitors inquired about the information displays. The guests had grown accustomed to their presence in the company providing information to our employees on these displays. As our plant is constantly changing and growing, in the future we will likely need to extend information displays at our location,” concluded Dušan Herbs

Kiekert AG founded in1857, is the technology leader for automative locking system. With 6000 employees in ten countries Kiekert develops,produces and sells tailor-made customet solutions.
Kiekert-CS was founded in 1993 and is the largest plant for producing automotive locking systems in the world, delivering customers with more than 184,000 locks every day. In the Czech Republic, Kiekert employs more than 2,600 employees