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Modern AV technologies

By changing the working environment and introducing new ways of working, we advance towards new needs of business communication and collaboration between teams.

Business performance is not based on individuals, but rather on teams. Team collaboration is a prerequisite for attaining excellent, continued and, most importantly, efficient results. Besides highly skilled individuals in the team, efficient collaboration is also supported by fully equipped offices corresponding to the global concept. At Ernst & Young, these office areas are referred to as “workplaces of the future”. These are modern offices used in many fields and industries.

“In modern offices, which are intended for collaboration, the emphasis was laid on interactivity and availability of audiovisual technologies. The staff members can capture the attention of others by an exciting presentation, and they are ready to efficiently use every moment in which their customers and colleagues actively listen. The audience never feels bored with a colourful presentation. Employees can choose one of smaller rooms intended for interactive collaboration. They are used particularly for team meetings, brainstorming sessions, presentations and workshops. The goal is to enhance the work processes by creative thinking”, says Aleš Baum, IT Security Manager.

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