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Operative encounters from anywhere and at any time

Thanks to our unified company communication, all our employees can exchange information quickly from anywhere they may be and at any time.

The information systems department of Severočeské doly (North Bohemia Coal Mines) started to use interactive boards and Microsoft Lync, which significantly streamlined their regular weekly meetings. Prior to introducing these interactive systems, the participants held meetings at the premises of the Bílina coal mine. This involved a physical travel of several staff members from the Tušimice mine and from the headquarters in Chomutov.

The travel to Bílina alone took over one hour, that is why these meetings required a considerable time investment. Presently, the team members meet twice a week and remotely handle the same operating matters and the associated key tasks. Owing to an interactive form of communication, they are able to immediately share all the recorded information with all the participants and, moreover, distribute them electronically. It is possible to come back to these materials on any later stage and extend them for new records.

“Nowadays we actively use five interactive boards available in the main buildings of the company. They were really good investments, which quickly return in the form of savings for travelling and also of our satisfied staff working with an increased productivity,” says Miloslav Černý from Severočeské doly.

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