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Clearly arranged meetings

We believe that by creating an appealing business environment, we support creativity.

“We have selected the EVOKO Room Manager reservation system from a simple reason. We were worried about an uncoordinated approach of our personnel to reservations of meeting rooms. We were in need of clearly structured reservations and the overall administration of ten meeting rooms located along the wings of a large building. We also required a straightforward and intuitive operation from the point of view of users/employees, which were to actively use the features and benefits of the new reservation system.

We thoroughly tested several reservation systems from different vendors. The EVOKO reservation system convinced us because of the following advantages. For some people, design has no importance, however, in case of EVOKO, we were literally entranced by this aspect. The panel located in our corridors works very elegantly and cleanly. Sometimes it reminds us of a backlighted traffic light providing us orientation on whether we may enter the room – green light, or “do not disturb” – red light. Another benefit is its easy installation not only on a fixed wall, but also on glazed partitions”, say Jozef Hlaváč, NTW Administrator, Emerson Climate Technologies.

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