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New offices in Porto.

Direct Pojišťovna před rokem otevřela nové kanceláře v Portu, které nejen splnily očekávání, ale získaly ocenění Nejkrásnější kanceláře roku. Tyto prostory, s výhledem na Vltavu a relaxační zónou včetně jógovny, propojují estetiku s vysokou funkčností. Cílem bylo vytvořit prostředí, které podporuje flexibilitu, efektivitu a týmovou spolupráci.

Klíčovým prvkem je koncept sdílených hnízd. Tento model umožňuje týmům přizpůsobit si pracovní režim, ať už jsou v kanceláři nebo pracují na dálku. Prostor se dynamicky přizpůsobuje – někdy je plný aktivit, jindy nabízí klid na soustředěnou práci. Zaměstnanci tak mají k dispozici flexibilní podmínky, které podporují jejich produktivitu i pohodu.

Direct Pojišt'ovna's offices are designed to meet the different needs of employees. In addition to traditional desks, they include casual cafes and large open spaces such as Direct Plaza. This allows each employee to find a space that suits them and supports their work.

Technological amenities are another important part of the offices. Larger meeting rooms are equipped with modern audio-visual systems that allow for effective hybrid meetings. Automatic speaker tracking ensures that even remote participants can communicate fully. Lenovo's video conferencing solution is tailored to the specific needs of each room, ensuring flexibility and high quality connections.

Direct Plaza is not only a meeting place, but also a venue for group events, workshops, and even private concerts. Thanks to the high-quality sound system and the possibility of using a robotic camera for video conferencing, even remote participants can watch the events in real time. The space encourages collaboration and idea sharing, which are key values of Direct Insurance.

In addition, the technology systems are easy to use. Using touchpads linked to the Microsoft Teams platform, employees can easily control the audiovisual technology. The systems are designed to be user-friendly and do not require complex setup.

The new offices of Direct Pojišt'ovna embody the company's values of openness, teamwork and continuous improvement. They show that a modern working environment can promote both efficiency and employee satisfaction. Winning the Most Beautiful Office of the Year award proves that Direct Insurance has managed to combine aesthetics, technology and flexibility into an inspiring whole.

This sets a high standard for Direct Insurance to inspire other companies to think about innovation in their workspaces. This example shows that investing in a quality work environment can make a significant contribution to better working conditions and increased productivity.

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