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Retail Summit 2019

From 4th to 6th February, we spent three days with retail experts in Clarion Congress Hotel Prague. Everyone in there has agreed on the fact, that the key to a happy costumer is to make him experience things.

The programme of the 25th annual conference has started by looking back in history with the Minister of Commerce. She explained, how did commerce change in the past 25 years. The challenge for the next 25 years is to produce healthy and affordable food. During the whole event, we could listen to 125 interesting speakers, which have inspired us with their ideas on how to make the costumer experience the retail.

The event was hosted by Martin Veselovský and Lucie Výborná. We cooperated with Blue Events agency, Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism and VŠE Praha. The effective background behind the speakers was provided by the 180m2  LED wall in the 4K format.

The weight of the wall was almost 8 tons! And as always, the trickiest part was to split the hall into two parts, after the dinner. But as per usual – that was not a problem for us.

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