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Setup for the Forum for Unemployment

After a long time we did not light the lights in one of our studios, but we enjoyed installing a real live event.

The things that was for our technicians a daily routine, became a rarity after the event industry moved to the virtual world. Our client wanted a special kind of set-up and we built it for him in CUBEX CENTRUM Prague.

The event we are talking about is the conference Forum for Unemployment (Fórum nezaměstnanosti in Czech). This year’s event was focused on the Czech market of employment and the changes that appeared in the last ten years. A big theme during the discussions was also the impacts of the pandemic crisis and the digital transformation, that gets stronger every year. Among the speakers were the analyst for Tomáš Ervín Dombrovský, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Jana Maláčová and more. Mrs. Maláčová´s speech included themes like systematic changes, the education of employees and the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis.

We provided the complete audiovisual setup, which included equipment for the on-line streaming of the event. We also used a camera crane.

The stream took place on the YouTube channel of our client, who was pleased with the live-stream.

For our technical team it was a fun surprise not to key a background all day, but to actually do the installation and realization for an event: „it was a welcomed change, and the event came close to the events we did before the Covid-19 crisis,“ mentioned David Vedral, the project manager of the event.

This conference reminded us what our work looked like before the pandemic, and we are already excited about building stages outdoors again.

You can watch recordings of the event here

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