Hybrid across Europe
People are gradually getting used to the hybrid events. We are actively organizing them and together with our clients we are connecting companies or employees across the world.
With the new streaming platform, we have provided Hilton with a real-time hybrid event from several European locations at the same time for viewers from Asia to America. We were able to cover almost entire event in-house. What does it mean and how did it go?
Hilton Prague and Hilton Prague Old Town are two of our closest and long-term partners. Nowadays, despite the measures, they are not slowing down. Instead of stagnation they are trying to prepare for better days by providing facilities for hybrid events.
The solution was demonstrated during their own event which took place in both Hilton hotels in Prague and another one in Warsaw. The host from Hilton Prague easily connected with the participants in Hilton Prague Old Town and then with the Poland team, where we had a support from our oneAVteam member, BRILL AV MEDIA. Two other speakers from Germany and the Netherlands were connected individually.
We also did not forget to follow the current measures in individual locations. That was supported (not only) by sitting at safe distances between guests. Thanks to social distances could audience or guests sit directly in the hall without breaking the rules. Most of the viewrs watched the event online. Our employees also followed the strict rules which we have set in-house. For example We prevented contact by using plexiglass between employees,everyone wore FFP2 respirator and had a disinfection kit.
You can read about advantages of hybrid events here. Client mostly appretiated the possibility of connecting with participants all over the world. Therefore we were able to welcome special guests who usually would not have time to fly abroad and perform live at the event.
The original idea of the client was a simple hybrid event in the style of a virtual tour. But we wanted to take the event to a higher level so we designed and created an overall concept for the Hilton Showcase. We created graphic content, planned a complete agenda with the client and offered the Meeting 15 platform for broadcasting. We‘ve fully replaced event agency and created everything needed - including data or invitations - in-house. As a rental company, we also covered technical production, directing and post-production.
We provided the stream via the Meeting 15 platform.Some speakers were connected via Webex. Thanks to Meeting 15, participants were able to interact, vote and communicate with each other. Thanks to the platform it is possible for the client to recieve more accurate data from the event and thus distribute the results from individual countries. After the event it is possible to send a questionnaire to the participants and keep a record of the stream. All materials are available on-demand directlyon the website.
What did the hybrid event in numbers look like after the broadcast? A total of 390 participants from 40 countries took part in the event. A total of 13 speakers joined the event from six locations. The number ONE is also important. The entire stream was broadcasted from one place. The participants found all the information on one website and the client was able to hold a professional and safe event with one provider.
Hybrid events open up new possibilities, take a look!
Check out the event details

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