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Language teaching at universities

Interactive teaching of languages in a Robotel SmartClass+ language lab is successful at the Palacký University in Olomouc.

A digital language lab was implemented at the Faculty of Physical Culture in Olomouc. The objective was to strengthen the language competencies and a general innovation in language teaching. Thanks to multimedia technologies, this succeeded. The language classroom providing for video and audio control and sharing enables the teacher to completely supervise the contents of student computers. Thanks to that, all the shared materials have a high quality and are free of noise and delays.

The teacher’s workplace contains a computer station with two monitors, with one of them continuously displaying the communication system control panel. All the system control functions are accessible from the panel, and the teacher can use either a touch monitor or a mouse. As a reaction to a new language teaching concept, lessons of English are obligatory at the Palacký University from 2012/2013.

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