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Faculty of Philosophy at USB

The auditoriums at the University of South Bohemia support telepresentation providing for transmission of lectures, for instance from international universities.

The Faculty of Philosophy is situated within the university campus along the Branišovská street. It resides in a new, modern facility offering an appropriate environment for teaching and education and equipped with leading edge audiovisual technologies. Available are 12 classrooms, 2 auditoriums for 120 and 140 students, and 3 specialized laboratories for the Institute of Archaeology. The new modern facilities enhance the attractiveness of the fields of study offered.

The auditoriums are equipped with a LifeSize telepresentation system providing for real time transmissions of lectures in top quality to remote locations. Telepresentation significantly supports international cooperation with other universities within the “Internationalization in Educational Activities” scheme, which is a substantial part of long-term objectives at USB.

AV technologies are highly intuitive and their concept in all the classrooms is similar. In that way, teachers can become familiar with their operation in one room and then proceed analogically in the other areas. The Faculty of Philosophy provides teaching also for other units of USB, in particular for the Faculty of Education. Thanks to the equipment of workshop areas with interactive SMART boards, future teachers can be prepared for using modern tools, which have become an ICT standard at elementary and secondary schools.

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