The Future of Hybrid Events in O2 Universum

Hybrid events are in full swing, as demonstrated by the 'HYBRID' conference.

The whole event focused on the future of events of this kind. There were several predictions about the post-covid-19 period and its impact on events and congresses. How was the check-in for two audiences being managed? 

Since last autumn, only online events have taken place at the O2 Universe until now. This year, we were the first one with the HYBRID event carrying the subtitle "Get ready for the return of events." Last year, there was probably no company that would not be affected by the pandemic. Many of them gave up any planning for the future and focused on the rapid changes that affected more or less all sectors across industries.

Safety first

We, too, have been closely following the ever-changing conditions and government regulations until the last day to ensure the safety of visitors on-site on the day of the event. Therefore, at registration, everyone received their name tag in exchange for a negative test result or a valid vaccination card. We offered the possibility of antigenic self-testing on site for those who did not manage to take the test before the event, which was greatly appreciated and used by several guests.

In the foyer, individually wrapped snacks were offered to the participants. Those were to be eaten at tables spaced apart according to current regulations.

In the conference room, we placed tables in the social distancing setup. A respirator was a matter of course for the entire duration of the event.

Interaction with distant viewers

Because we wanted to involve the audience at the conference in the same way as those on the spot, various surveys or Q&A options were displayed on the screens during the entire event. Twice during the panel discussion, the speakers answered these questions, so the remote connections were not deprived of experience and interaction.

Introduction of the studio

Our studio at the O2 Universum boasts a huge LED wall with 16 × 4 meters. Lights were placed in front of it, which enriched the overall visual of the event. When the guests arrived, the lights in front of the screen danced, creating an unconventional entrée of speakers.

The crane, which was used on the HYBRID, provided smooth shots and an interesting perspective for spectators at home. The arrival of the speakers on the stage thus became almost stellar for the watching spectators.

In cooperation with O2 Universum, six speakers first spoke individually, each had something to say on the topic, and the presentations were full of interesting information.

Then the program was bridged into a panel discussion, during which all the speakers met on the stage for Q&A.

And how do our speakers see the future of hybrid events?

"Hybrid will definitely be a regular part of us. The content and time will be essential points so that a person can stay with the broadcast for several hours, "said Mr. Aleš Zahálka from the Czech Ice Hockey Association.

The sales director of O2 Universum, Mr.Marek Chmátal, adds: "We are ready and excited to hold events of all kinds as soon as the government allows it."

Let yourself be drawn into a hybrid event with us

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