Online roadshow in oneAVstudio
The first part of the Denik Roadshow took place in our oneAVstudio in October. A month later in our studio various stories were told again.
The discussion was about addictions connected mostly with alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. Nowadays new addictions were discovered eg. on videos or mobile devices. Denik analyzed this issue acrossthe whole country.
The topics were disccused with experts but also with people which have struggled with addiction in the past. Part of the broadcast was moderated panel discussion with the guests and simultaneously the questions from the audience were answered.
Experts such as psychologists and addictologists took part in the discussion. Another guests[PM1] like writer Josef Formánek or Michaela Duffková also talked about their experiences.
Preparations for the event have been processed from summer. The broadcast was entirely provided by our team in our studio. We used the equipment from our stock which is located just under the roof of oneAVstudio. That greatly helps to use any product that is part of our equipment anytime. The broadcast took place via our YouTube channel and we connected remote speakers via the Zoom platform.
The cooperation was interesting for its topic especially in these difficult times. The client was very satisfied, despite the fact that the roadshow was moved to an online environment, which is still new and unusual for many of our clients. Thank you for your trust!
Check out the event details

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