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Pragues hockey club Sparta can not fight on the ice right now because of the current situation. Thanks to oneAVstudio they can keep in touch with their fans even now.

The current situation of the pandemic has extremely hit not only our event industry but also all kind of sports. The season of hockey extra league in Czech had to stop, and the winner will not be crowned. HC Sparta Praha was on an excellent way to get this title, but unfortunately, they are not allowed to participate in the play-off. 

Not only the management of club and players are disappointed, but what about their loyal fans? They already bought a ticket to the games and looked forward to supporting their Sparta in the way of victory. Sparta got an idea of how to please their fans and keep in touch with them during the quarantine. The club decided to start a new online show called “SPARTA ON AIR”. 

AV MEDIA EVENTS provided the equipment of the new oneAVstudio in Harfa. In cooperation with production LiveBros, we broadcasted live thirty minutes interview in which moderator of HC Sparta Praha chated with the goalie Matěj Machovský. 

Fans could watch this show live via Facebook. We shot with two large studio cameras, one robotic camera, and we also managed posts, inserted subtitles, and infographics right in the studio. The goalie talked about hockey and life in cabins, and in the end, he played an interactive game. 

We are looking forward to the next episode of the show and new host in our studio.

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