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The 2014 Retail Conference

This was already the fifth year that we have provided the technology at the annual Retail Summit, the most important meeting of players on the retail market in Central Europe.

The twelfth annual two-day Retail Summit took place at the Clarion Congress Hotel in Prague at the beginning of February, this time with the subheading “How to Succeed in Uncertain Times”. The most important players from the retail sector meet at the summit to discuss the possibilities of and ideal conditions for business in the Central European market. Nearly one hundred speakers appeared throughout the conference, discussing the future and looking for ways to be successful in today’s uncertain times.

Such an important conference requires quality technical facilities. AV MEDIA has already provided the AV technology in the main hall and four adjacent halls for the past five years. In all the rooms various workshops and discussions were held throughout the day that are more interesting and much more rewarding for the participants thanks to the interactive technology.

A panoramic projection measuring 28,5 x 6m was installed in the main hall, with two more screens connected. A record number of participants enjoyed the panoramic projection and the wonderful experience of the conference fulfilling the expectations of not only the organizers for the entire event, Blue Events, but also all of the partners to whom it helped present their business visions.

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