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Syngenta 2015 customer conferences

At the end of January, customer conferences of Syngenta Czech took traditionally place, once again using rather unconventional technologies.

This was the fourth consecutive year when the production of these conferences in Prague and Brno was provided by the agency from Žďár nad Sázavou. As a result of our partnership, AV MEDIA implemented another unconventional AV solution for these conferences.

Innovative ideas with modern technologies

At both locations, AV MEDIA provided comprehensive technical and technological services. Syngenta does everything within their power in order to make any new conference innovative by using modern technologies and uncommon scenographic elements. Thanks to their years of partnership with AV MEDIA, is ready to completely fulfil such expectations and always come up with new, fresh ideas.

Czech technological premiere

After the last year’s conference in Prague and Brno, when the stage was dominated by a set of forty frameless LCD imaging devices with an overall resolution of 4K, this year we suggested a wide setup in the conference hall of the Aquapalace hotel. With regard to an enormous interest of the expert public, the capacity of the hall had to be fully used and little space was left to the technologies. That is why we decided to use, for the first time in the Czech Republic, a new Panasonic tool, the ET-D75LE90 ultra short objectives for the highest rank of FullHD projectors. The throw ratio of these objectives is unbelievable 0.36:1, which means that the distance between the projector and a 440 cm wide screen was only 158 cm. Objectives used so far had the shortest possible throw ratio of 0.8:1, which is more than twice as much.

With regard to excellent results and a brilliant undistorted image, we believe that this technology will soon find its opportunities not only on the Czech market.

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