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Plzeňský Prazdroj Dealer Conference

Plzeňský Prazdroj organized a two-day conference for their dealers from the field of gastronomy in the Ambassador Hotel in Prague, where they assessed their results.

Technology for the conference and a concert performance

The first day of the conference took place in the main hall, for which AV MEDIA ensured wide-ranging Full HD projection, lighting, document camera projecting, interpreting and stage sound equipment. Part of the first day was the first social evening, which was enriched by a performance by well-known Czech bands.

In the course of the day, the hall was transformed from a conference arrangement to a festive evening, starring the Děda Mládek Ilegal Band and Tři Sestry. In view of the fact that the stage design of Tři Sestry included and used decorative LED bands, AV MEDIA had to use the most powerful projector using Full HD resolution. The Full HD projection was also used during the concert performance.

On the second day of the conference, the participants broke up into several groups for workshops in separate halls of the hotel. Each hall was equipped with projection and sound. AV MEDIA also carried out a video recording to be used for making in-house videos at Plzeňský Prazdroj.


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