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GIS Esri 30th anniversary, for the second time online

The Esri GIS conference in the Czech Republic celebrated its 30th anniversary this year.

This conference is one of those that brings vital information to the market and cannot be postponed. Therefore, ARCDATA PRAHA chose the online version again this year, this time from our oneAVstudio.

The Esri GIS Conference is the largest conference dedicated to geoinformatics in the Czech Republic. We discussed it in more detail last year (here). Last year, it was broadcasted directly from the meeting rooms of ARCDATA PRAGUE, and this year everyone was hoping to return to the Prague Congress Center.

However, the pandemic situation was not going in our favour, therefore in ARCDATA they started thinking again about the online or hybrid version of the conference. When we introduced the excellent work of our technicians and the benefits of broadcasting from the studio during our inspiring Back to the Business meeting, ARCDATA made a decision. The conference will be online!

The same as last year, this year's conference brought two days of lectures and presentations full of valuable information in geoinformatics. That is a key field for utilities and public administration and digital transformation, transport, social geography, and nature conservation. Some of the speakers came to the studio live, some joined remotely, and some pre-recorded sessions were used for enhancing the overall experience. The conference also included workshops and meetings with ARCDATA specialists, all in an online environment.

It took us one day to prepare the studio, and one day was dedicated to rehearsal. The event itself took two days.  More than 1150 participants from 360 companies registered for this year's event. Thanks to online broadcasting, we can evaluate that more than 90% participated at the screens from the data we can monitor. A total of 30 speakers took turns on the stage and in the online environment, and the participants spent 6 hours in the workshops.

We all want to meet in person soon, and we do hope that next year we will be preparing with ARCDATA an event in person. However, some situations cannot be influenced. That is when we at AV MEDIA are ready to help your event become a great success even though there might be some unpredictable circumstances.


Start of conference

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