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Dream conference in Disneyland

Disneyland trully is the perfect place for unforgettable conference, especially if you put together this interesting venue and great AV&IT solutions.

For our long-term client, agency The Market Room, we secured a conference for the global financial froup Misys. The venue chosen for this 2 day Sales Kick-off 2018 happened to be the Disneyland in Paris which offers both great conference space and a lot of fun for the participants. All the conference for 650 people together with two off-site parties had a brilliant atmosphere full of fun and energy, 

For our client we prepared a complex project preparation including stage and light design. The dominant feature of the stage was 120 square metres of LED wall with resolution 6144 x 1152 pixels. The overall content including the presentations was processed using the pixel by pixel method which is free of any deformations and keeps the highest resolution possible. We also provided for sound and lighting for the overall space and the stage using 90 inteligent lights. 

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