Conference also from the arena with Blue Events
We have already mentioned that long-term cooperation has many advantages.
It continues to prove that due to the repeated organization of events, we can satisfy the client's needs and listen to his request in a prompt and efficient manner. To run the event flawlessly and without any hiccups takes less time, the number of consultations decreases, and the client can focus on important priorities.
In the case of Blue Events, we cooperated with the client on two events in May.
The first was the Retail Summit Action, which took place on May 5th. It was a live broadcast from Spojka Events Karlín, which, despite its three hours, was full of an exciting program and impressive presentations.
The conference addressed a variety of topics, which included, among other things, market changes and shifting into an online environment. Representatives of the companies Dáme jidlo, Plzeňský prazdroj and Rohlí came to share their experiences. Mr. Petr Pavlík from Rohlí dedicated his presentation to the growth of interest in online services, doubling overnight. Lockdown pushed into the online world even those who clung to brick-and-mortar stores. Mr. Pavel Kozler from Knowinstore mentioned the digitalization of such stores.
The speakers took part in panel discussions, where registered viewers could ask questions using the application.
The second event was Communication Summit. The last year's version can be found HERE. This year's topic was "We want emotions!" And it is the emotions that most of us in the online world are probably missing the most. This time, five hours had been talked about to convey emotions and return them to marketing and PR communication at the Jatka78 theatre. The complete presentation and discussion took place directly from the theatre, and it was not a pre-recorded. The projection was projected on the screen, instead of the usual LED wall for the background, which was a pleasant change for our team.
However, in May, the government regulations still did not allow live events with many participants. Therefore, this Summit was held in the form of an online broadcast. This time the participants could ask the speakers questions throughout the event using the application again. The Summit was also enriched with cultural topics, whether it was music in advertising, with Jiří Burian, or creativity during the pandemic period, which was discussed by Štěpán Kubišta.
The performance of Cirk La Putyka also supported the theme of emotions. Because it is a circus-style, not only the direction was accustomed to it, but the overall shots and broadcast too. We tried to draw the audience into the live event as much as possible. Therefore, in addition to stable cameras, we also used the ronin stabilizer, which created great action shots during the entire performance and thus passed on to the spectators every balancing of the performers.
In September, the Prague Retail Summit will take place at the Prague Congress Center, which will probably be far from the visuals of the arena. But we also hope that with this conference, we will break down virtual boundaries, and we will all come together in one place.
See also last year Communication Summit event!