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3D broadcasting of surgical procedures during the international conference on 10 years of robotic surgery in the Czech Republic

The 3D broadcasts of two renal surgeries were broadcast from the Central Military Hospital directly to the lecture hall.

More than one hundred experts had the unique opportunity to follow the same image as the operating surgeon using the daVinci Si robotic system, through the use of 3D glasses.  A fluorescent display was used for the first time in the Czech Republic to detect tumours in live 3D transmission technology provided by AV MEDIA.

A 3D broadcast of a surgery using the da Vinci Si robotic system itself is still very unique, with only a few operations being broadcasted in 3D each year. AV MEDIA ensured the transmission using their own high-quality technology, preserving the necessary synchronization of the transmitted image and communication between the surgeon and specialists in the conference room without delay.

To ensure the technology it was necessary to connect the robot and the so-called surveillance cameras located directly in the operating room. The projection was realized using two projectors, a Panasonic Full HD 13K ANSI lm, polarizing filters with self-venting with 464 x 250 cm metallic screens. The actual transmission took place via optical cables with special converters. In addition to the direct transmission of 3D operations, AV MEDIA projected pre-recorded 3D video contributions, as well as classic 2D transmission.

Trainings are streamlined by doctors sharing their experience

Inquiries from on-looking participants were directly transmitted to the doctor who led the operation using bi-directional communications so the doctors could respond immediately. “Watching this unique operation in a three-dimensional image gives us the opportunity to be in direct contact with the leaders in the field and be virtually present in the operating room. This presents a tremendous opportunity for all surgeons to share their experience and the latest findings,” said Dr. Jiří Kočárek, Head of the Robotic Centre and Urology Department at the Military University Hospital.

Use of modern technologies, including 3D broadcasts, are becoming increasingly popular, especially in the area of ​​medical education, where unique operations can be shared with physicians at remote locations. Quality 3D transmission and online communications opens up new possibilities for more effective education in health care.

Robot-assisted nephrectomy using the da Vinci Si System Direct 3D transfer took place at the international conference on 10 years of robotic surgery in the Czech Republic. The Robotic Centre of the Central Military Hospital - Military University Hospital in Prague was the guarantor of the event, which was held under the auspices of the Czech Society of Robotic Surgery, the Czech Urological Society and the the Czech Academy of Urology.

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