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Multifunctional Auditorium and State-of-the-art Screening Hall

After seven years of the project preparation, intensive searching for grant headings, the signing event to promote the reconstruction and digitalisation and the discussions within the framework of the council of the town, the first real steps towards the commencement of the work were taken in spring 2017. 27 August 2017 saw the Saying Goodbye to the Old Cinema event and the complete reconstruction of the building started in early September. The reconstruction included a reduction of the screening hall length (as the projection booth needed to be located closer to the projection screen), building a new background for the performers in the space next to the stage, technical premises meeting the requirements of the new cinema technology, a new space for ticket and snack selling in the foyer, removal of some extensions of the building due to their poor technical condition, a modification of the seating area curve, replacement of old seats with modern armchairs and double armchairs with cup holders, and other minor modifications.

The cinema technology was also replaced completely. Moviegoers can now admire the great picture offered by the 4K RGB laser projector Christie CP4325, which is the first RGB laser projector ever installed in the Czech Republic. It stands out especially in the picture quality, long service life and low operating costs. Viewers will not only be fascinated by the picture quality, but also wonderful colours and perfectly depicted details of the image (contrast ratio 6000:1). 

Another first was use of the EclairColor HDR content. EclairColor brings an intensive experience from the projected movie especially thanks to the high quality colour reproduction, higher contrast and brightness, sharper details and a higher image depth. EclairColor is like a stereoscopic movie without the 3D glasses. EclairColor is the new HDR (High Dynamic Range) solution which combines the video material editing processes and the optimization of selected project system technologies already available on the market. The range of colours is richer, especially at the high and low luminous sensitivity: gradients are finer even in case of the darkest colours. An additional contrast helps to unveil minor details; the resolution in pixels remains the same, though. Colours are therefore more natural, especially in portraying the landscape and faces.

The movie theatre, of course, does not lack the unique sound system Dolby Atmost, which surrounds the viewers from all sides, drawing the audience into the action of the movie being screened. 

The audiovisual equipment for theatrical performances, concerts and lectures as well as the theatrical and scenic lights were installed for the multifunctional auditorium purposes. 

The screens of the digital signage system (digital display of film posters and trailers) appear not only in the foyer but also in front of the movie theatre building.

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