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Biograf Český Ráj

Reconstruction Put the History and Modern Technology Together

The Český Ráj Movie House underwent a reconstruction lasting for 16 months. As a result, the building restored its appearance of the 20´s of the last century and now provides its viewers with unique experiences enabled by the modern technology. Our company installed the Dolby Atmos sound system inside and the projecting screen was extended to the maximum possible limit allowed by the portal of the seating area. The auditorium has original acoustic lining and, apart from the audio component, each ceiling panel also contains an independent LED light fitted with an extra control element for each module. 


The Český Ráj Movie House, formerly: Český Ráj Theatre, was built by the cooperative association of the individuals damaged by war between 1922-1923 and opened during the 1923 ceremony. Apart from the theatrical production, movies were also screened increasingly here and over time the theatre transformed into a movie house. The pre-war and especially post-war years saw the building going through a few insensitive modifications and reconstructions. After many years or preparations, the essential and substantial reconstruction followed in 2017. The decision was made to pull down unoriginal elements and extensions to restore the 1923 appearance of the building upon the original pictures of the movie house.

After the substantial reconstruction, its current capacity amounts to 155 seats, along with the Dolby Atmos sound system, Christie Solaria 4K projector, new Harknes Clarus projection screen and the 3D depthQ system. The operation is entirely automated now. The building is illuminated with the LED lights only.

The reconstruction also created a new place for holding conferences and lectures. The auditorium is equipped with the tables in armrests of seats and 230V power sockets under the seats. The Wi-Fi coverage goes without saying. The movie house is now among the top cinema halls in the Czech Republic. During 3 months after its opening, nearly 300 movies were screened here, with the attendance of more than 16 thousand.

Otevření Biografu Český ráj, V1 reportáž


Biograf Český Ráj – původně Divadlo Český Ráj , postavilo družstvo válečných poškozenců v roce 1922-1923, kdy bylo slavnostně otevřeno. Při divadelní produkci se zde také konalo biografické promítání, které časem převažovalo a postupem doby se z divadla stal biograf. V předválečných letech a hlavně v poválečných letech budova prodělala několik necitelných úprav a rekonstrukcí. V roce 2017, po mnoha letech příprav, bylo přistoupeno k zásadní a generální rekonstrukci. Bylo rozhodnuto, že se odbourají nepůvodní prvky a přístavky, a budově se vrátí vzhled z roku 1923, to vše bylo provedeno podle původních fotografií biografu.

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