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Vichy Liftactiv in 3D

AV MEDIA, in cooperation with their client Vichy, has demonstrated the ability to deliver complete solutions in the area 3D projection.

3D technology was used in luxurious, but also in 3D non-standard spaces, yet still managed to achieve the effect of “pulling” the audience into the story. The gradation of the whole presentation, the over-all properly chosen screenplay and the choice of 3D technology led to the required rarity of the whole event, which in particular showed the innovative ability of the Vichy brand.

A Campaign Presenting Dozens of Years of Research – How Else Other Than 3D?

Vichy Laboratories have been fighting against ageing since the beginning of their existence. It is a feminine quality to love and preserve her youth as long as possible. Vichy helps their customers especially in keeping their skin youthful. Vichy Labrotories first began their fight against aging in their Dermis product. They began a revolution in the form of beauty-enhancing products Liftactiv. In 2011, Vichy is after 10 years of research, 7 clinical studies, 6 scientific publications, 2 in vivo studies and 7 patents in hand, literally a ground-breaking rejuvenation cure in the form of Liftactiv Derm Source. Scientists at Vichy have managed to find a key substance Rhamnosa, which among other things will cause the body start regeneration processes, the same as in 19-year-old girls. The product smooths out 5 types of wrinkles in fewer than two weeks and improves the lifting effect by dozens of per cents.

The AV MEDIA team prepared the presentation, where the bulk of it was in 3D and 3D PowerPoint, with full competence. The source material for preparing the presentation we received in 2D so it was necessary to be converted to 3D. This process requires special technical tools and the relevant know-how.

Does the previous paragraph seem to be science fiction? That would be an exaggeration of comedy film "Death Becomes Her" slowly but surely becoming reality? After the presentation of the product range of Vichy Liftactiv Derm Source sure would surely haver the impression that we are at least close to "instant youth". Presenting more than 10-yea-old results to the public requires a more exalted form than a PowerPoint presentation. Vichy’s head of marketing, Marcelina Polok, left noting to chance and chose a presentation inn 3D technology. Just so it was it possible to literally “pull” an audience into the world of a product like Liftactiv, for example just as James Cameron led his audience into the world Pandora in the film Avatar. The screenplay for the entire event was chosen as progressively climaxing special seminar, at which time the nature of the Rhamnosa active substance would be presented along with the number of new Liftactiv products. The first part of the presentations at the seminar was done in “2D”, where the especially presented particular events from the past research in Vichy Laboratories. The first third presentation was "declaration of a revolution" and the shifting limits in anti-aging skin care. Viewers then put on their glasses and from that time they were "pulled" into the world new Liftactiv product range using a 3 D PowerPoint presentation and a very visual three-minute 3D film.   Gradation and interest were wee observable in the audience at first sight. The flood of queries at the end presentation has clearly demonstrated the interest in the topic. Our role was also used 3 D technology, which supported Vichy as professional company, and as the leader in the market in general skin care. 3D technology played a role in this, as it supported Vichy as professional company, and as the leader in the market in general skin care.

Preparing Dozens of Clips for the Seminar in 3D Took Several Days

The central Vichy Laboratories also prepared part of the presentation’s 3D film. Although this film was already ready for 3D, it was necessary to convert the content checking in with 3 D production servers with the addition of alternative audio background music. At this stage AV MEDIA mad full use of their knowledge of the 3D cinema and post-production workplaces. A series of actions for the professional and wider public meant the AV MEDIA team had a production “nut”. 3D technology merits certain specific requirements for the side of the screen, the distance of the viewers, and especially the viewing angle of the viewers. The space for the event was chosen beforehand, so it was necessary to adapt the screen and technology to the size of the hall in order to meet hygiene rules and recommendations for 3D technology. Due to the size of the hall and the audience, the AV MEDIA team ended up combining both active methods of displaying 3D content with passive methods of display. So, it was possible to achieve one hundred per cent results.


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