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The Handicup Gala Evening

The HandiCUP non-traditional gala evening took place in the spaces of the Centre for Motion Medicine, where the best disabled cyclists were declared in the Czech Cup series.

The gala evening was organised by the non-profit Černí koně (Black Horse) organisation, which AV MEDIA has been working with for several years.

A Rich Accompanying Programme with Audio-Visual Technology

The non-profit organisation Černí koně was founded in 2008 and has become an integral part of para-cycling today. This success is the result of Černí koně’s hard work, perseverance, courage and vision, built on the values of interconnection, understanding and the desire to assist.

AV MEDIA supported the fourth annual handiCUP gala evening by lending its audio-visual technology, creating a celebratory atmosphere in the Centre for Motion Medicine. This involved supplying a large screen display and rear Full HD projection, which showed various video clips and presented the winners of individual categories throughout the course of the evening. Further, we ensured the music sound system and accompanying performances and lit the whole space, including new decoration scenes created specially for this evening.

The gala evening had a packed programme, with the Černí koně 2015 calendar being christened, the awarding of a cheque for four-year-old Káje for a vaccine against meningococcal meningitis, a performance by the NEBE band, the auctioning of a special Gold Edition Jersey and awarding the winners and a special recognition of volunteers. The vice-champion of Europe in Strollering and an excellent performance of a “pole dance” by Daniela Pecinová, which got viewers off their chairs, showed a unique entertaining performance. A guessing competition was also prepared for the guests – in the course of the evening Markéta "Peggy" Marvanová, an assistant to disabled athletes, peddled an impressive 58 km in an hour and a half.

More information about the Černí koně non-profit organisation can be found here.


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