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Prague was lit up by the SIGNAL festival for the third time

Prague’s streets, parks and squares were once again transformed into galleries that presented the peak of audio-visual art over the course of 4 evenings in autumn. AV MEDIA was the official supplier of the festival.

Crowds of spectators flooded Prague’s streets  

The SIGNAL festival of lights became one of the most visited cultural events in the Czech Republic during its first two years, becoming the largest exhibition of lighting art in the Czech Republic. This year it displayed three large-format video mapping projections, one of them in 3D and thirteen light and 5 interactive installations. The distinctive atmosphere of Prague’s streets, parks and squares did not even allow the crowds from all corners of the Czech Republic and the world to move. An innovation this year was the crowd-funding campaign, which gradually lit up the Petřín Lookout Tower thanks to the growing amount of monetary resources. The target amount of 1 million Czech Crowns was able to be collected even before the end of the festival, which is a clear signal to the organisers that the visitors would like the light festival to be held even next year again.

AV MEDIA became the official supplier this year and technologically provided two video-mapping projections, two interactive and three lighting installations. 

Namely, this involved ensuring a large-format three-dimensional Polyhx video-mapping projection from the Turkish group OUCHHH, which lit up Letohrádek Kinský (the Kinský Summer Palace) in Smíchov, Prague. The main role in the projection was played by architecture built on mathematical foundations. Thanks to the abstract elements and primitive objects, Letohrádek Kinský was transformed into an audio-visual experience that enchanted many visitors.

The breath-taking fifteen-minute-long Nimbes audio-visual show was projected onto the interior of a special cupola that grew during the festival at Klárov, triggering a great response. The French artist Joanie Lemercier used a unique 360° spherical projection and introduced the comprehensive topic of existence and being in the context of space and the individual human being.

Among the interactive installations that AV was involved with, was the interactive Faces on the Šítkovské věže tower at Mánesa. Thanks to the RealSense technology, visitors could project a 3D model of their own heads destroying the walls of Šítkovské věže at Mánesa. 3dsense, a group of young international art and graphic design enthusiasts, were responsible for the project. The second interactive multi-media installation was the Light Paintings, where visitors could paint on a façade of a model of Mosaic House using lights.

The lighting installation [M]ondes in Vojanový sady (Vojan’s Park) created an endless procession of metamorphoses directly before the eyes of the spectators. The Strata #4 installation in Colloredo-Mansfeld Palace was inspired by a series of iconic paintings by Vlam masters from the collection of Palais de Beaux Arts. The final light installation that AV MEDIA provided was Onion Skin by the French artist Oliviera Ratsiho on Náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad (George of Poděbrady Square). The light projection was accompanied by spatial sound components which became two walls arranged into right angles.

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