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Memory of Nations Awards 2012

The third annual Memory of Nations Awards ceremony took place in the National Theatre in mid-December.

AV MEDIA significantly helped this festive evening with their technology, helping to create an unforgettable atmosphere during the award show for people who, “who have shown through their lives that honour, freedom and human dignity are not just empty words”.

An Audio-visual Performance with Live Actors

The director Miloš Forman was the patron of the Memory of Nations Awards ceremony, a role that was filled by Vaclav Havel in the past.  The stage in the National Theatre was turned into a railway station thanks to technology provided by AV MEDIA, reflecting the life stories of important personalities of the 20th century – political prisoners, dissidents, combat veterans and other survivors. The scene incorporated projections, lighting, audio and live actors.

Thanks to two Christie projectors provided by AV MEDIA, the entire evening was enriched by projections showing the life stories of individual laureates. As the three projections where displayed at different times independently of each other, a Coolux media server was used for dispatching content. This content, which was supplied by the Eallin Motion Art studio, was prepared horizontally making it necessary to turn the projectors to a 90-degree angle. By projecting through a mirror, the content was superimposed on a special semi-translucent fabric which was placed directly in the stage set.


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