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EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Ceremony 2014

The prestigious 2014 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award Ceremony took place at the Žofín Palace in Prague.

The 1st Deputy Prime Minister for Economy and the Minister of Finance Andrej Babiš handed over the prestigious 2014 EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award to Vlastislav Bříza, the owner of the KOH-I-NOOR holding. This most prominent world’s competition for entrepreneurs recognising outstanding personalities has taken place for the fifteenth time in the Czech Republic during this year. Its aim is to publically present excellent personal examples in the business domain, which can become models for young and starting entrepreneurs.

Comprehensive technological support including 3D mapping

AV MEDIA took care for comprehensive technologies required by the event. This included a decorative scene with projection and a plasma screen, lighting and a live camera transmission. The highlight of the evening was 3D videomapping created on one of the lateral walls in the Žofín Palace’s Great Hall, underlining the corporate presentation and inducing an agreeable and festive atmosphere of the competition's 15th year.

Read more about the EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Award here.

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