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Tramping and the nature of the lower Posázaví

In the Regional Museum in Jílové near Prague

In Jílové u Prahy, we implemented an audiovisual solution for a smaller exhibition that presents the history and present of tramping to visitors in a modern way.

Part of the exhibition is occupied by a replica of a wooden cabin, on the veranda of which you can admire the view of the Vltava River or read thematic magazines. But there is also romance in nature, where you can "warm up" by the village fire while listening to camp songs. Many games and quizzes are prepared in the exposition not only for children.

"The tramping exhibition is dedicated to the music legend Tony Linhart, who loved the museum in Jílové and performed annually on the Museum Ceiling. After his death, part of his estate was transferred to the museum's collections, and his personal items will have their place of honor in the new exhibition."< /p>

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