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1.DCI Bronze

DCI Bronze
  • telephone assistance HOTLINE
  • remote management - immediate problem solving without the need for a paid technician
  • discounted price for prophylaxis (regular maintenance and adjustment of technology)rental of spare equipment with a 5% discount (subject to availability of equipment)5% discount on labour and materials for service intervention at the customer's site

2.DCI Silver


HOTLINE telephone assistance

Remote management - immediate problem resolution without the need for a paid technician

one free prophylaxis, the following at a discounted price

rental of replacement equipment at a 10% discount (subject to availability of equipment)

10% discount on labour and materials for service intervention at the customer's premises

3.DCI Gold


HOTLINE telephone assistance

remote management - immediate problem resolution without the need for a paid technician

regular technology updates and preventive remote technology checks based on manufacturers' recommendations

one free prophylaxis, subsequent prophylaxis at a discounted price

Guarantee of fixing the fault on the device within 3 days; if this deadline is not met, the possibility of renting a replacement device free of charge

10% discount on the rental of replacement equipment

10% discount on labour and materials for customer service intervention


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Servis kina
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477 KB
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Manuál pro dlouhodobě vypnutou DCI techniku
103 KB

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