Computers: Is your laptop not working?
If you have a HW problem with your laptop, for DELL or HP brand you can report the fault directly via the link below, this will speed up the resolution of the problem. In case of a fault on another brand of laptop, contact us via the service form below.
SMART SW: Having trouble installing or properly operating SMART Learning Suite 20 (SLS) software or any of its components? https://www.veskole.cz/downloads/SMART_Learning_Suite_21_-_Odpovdi_na_aste_dotazy.pdf
SMART SW: Is SMART SW not working in full version even though you have a valid license
- SMART SW: How do I change my Class ID, the class code in SMART sw?
- SMART Admin Portal: How to create your admin account?
VEX: VEX Class - problem with loading VEX 123 robots
Recently there was a problem with loading VEX 123 robots in the VEX Class app on Android. The app does not load the robots (and encoders) the first time. You need to run the scan again. We made a short video on this.
Epson projector: lamp replacement
EPSON projector: filter replacement