Justice: a record from the courtrooms
The project of audio recordings from courtrooms is one of the largest projects implemented in the framework of the electronicization of justice and is part of the electronic courtroom project. It was created based on the need of the Ministry of Justice to make and store recordings of court proceedings given by the applicable legislation, especially for criminal proceedings.
The solution was first deployed in a pilot room and was subsequently integrated into roughly 1,200 courtrooms at about a hundred separate courts of various levels throughout the Czech Republic.
The project takes into account three basic typified room sizes, which define the number of microphones and the size of the recording unit. During the design, it is possible to choose from two defined lengths of table microphones according to the depth of the table so that it is placed as close as possible to the speaker's mouth, even when the speaker is invited and standing.
Celková kvalita záznamů je důležitá s ohledem na navazující projekt automatického přepisu mluveného slova na text. S ohledem na poměrně specifické požadavky byla centrální nahrávací jednotka vyvinuta a vyrobena zakázkově.
Ostatní zvolené komponenty jsou sériové produkce od renomovaných světových výrobců. Hlavní nahrávací jednotka umožňuje nahrávat do čtyřech samostatných stop, které jsou rozčleněny na soudce, obžalobu, obhajobu a řečniště, což umožňuje identifikaci hovořící strany a zvyšuje srozumitelnost při následném přepisu.
In the hall, high-quality gooseneck desk microphones are placed in individual, predefined positions. The system is controlled from the clerk's point of entry, through software that is localized into the Czech language, or from a hardware keyboard. Some selected functions can also be controlled from the judge's control stick.
Progressive recording is signaled by a light board. In case of problems with the main recording unit, a parallel recording from the backup recording unit is also available. Communication between individual elements is signaled on the recorder's handle. Backup recording also includes a backup recording signal and control panel.
If there is a power failure, the system will be switched to a backup UPS source so that the recording can be safely ended and the recorder's computer can be turned off in the standard way. The system remembers the connection points for connecting a mobile microphone for the disabled or interpreters and ... further with the connection points for connecting a video conference or equipment for playing evidence
Judges have headphones available for the possibility of playing back evidence in classified mode or in case of testimony of a confidential witness with a modulated voice, when only the unmodulated and undistorted signal goes to the headphones, while the modified voice is heard from the loudspeakers in the courtrooms.
At the end of the meeting, a recording is automatically generated and burned to a CD immediately after the end of the process, so that each party to the dispute can take the recording with them.
A uniform recording solution in the entire department of justice will enable efficient management, the same user experience and a uniform level of high recording quality. The project includes the possibility of specifying development requirements based on user experience, which contributes to the continuous improvement of the working tools of individual users of the Department of Justice.