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Hlučínsko Museum

The permanent interactive exposition called “Who are the people in Hlučínsko” maps the history of the Hlučín region.

The permanent “Who are the people in Hlučínsko” exposition includes three sections – the courtyard, the ground floor and the attic. The historical museum building contain an interactive exposition enabling the visitors to look into the history of the Hlučín region. The atmosphere is underlined by scenic lighting created by over a hundred spot and reflector lights. The exposition involves recollections of people living in various epochs, historical documents, exciting exhibits, and, most remarkably, an information database and audiovisual documents prepared especially for the Hlučínsko exposition. The museum also includes a courtyard with an outdoor exposition. 

The Hlučín region is not only a geographical reference, but also a phenomenon of the modern Czech history. Within the Czech lands, is has had its own specific way of development. More on the Hlučínsko Museum website.

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