Large LED screens - indoor

Lightking RDY 2,8 – LED wall, pannels 50 × 50cm, locks with fixed angles -5, -2,5, 0, +2,5, +5, pixel pitch 2,8 mm, for indoor use, broadcast version
Lightking RDY 2,8 CORNER panel – LED wall, corner panel 90deg. 50x50x50 cm, pixel pitch 2,8mm, for indoor use, broadcast version, 
GLOSHINE LM 3,91 – LED wall, pannels 50 × 50cm, locks with free angle from -15 to +15 degrees, pixel pitch 3.9 mm, for indoor use, broadcast version
GLOSHINE LEGEND 3,9 – LED wall, pannels 100 × 50 cm and 50 × 50 cm, straight locks, pixel pitch 5.9 mm, for indoor use, broadcast version
CONSTRUCTION  –  wall construction for ground stacking, installation into exhibition booth and for hanging

LED Poster – pixel pitch 1,875mm, screen size 630x2055x35mm, brightness 800cd/m2, weight 39kg, power consumption 155/520W, folding leg, wheel base, wall mount, multi-screen seamless splicing up to 6 panels

LED Processors

Novastar VX1000 - LED processor with scaler, max. input resolution 3840×1080@60Hz or 4092×1136@60Hz, max. width 4092 pix, max. height 3981 pix,  output card 10x RJ45, total output resolution up to 6 500 000 pix, max. width 10240 pix, max. height 8192 pix
Novastar MCTRL4K - LED processor without scaler, max. input resolution 3840×2160 @60Hz or 2160×3840@60Hz, output card 16x ETHCON up to 10 400 000 pix, max. width or height 3840 pix
Novastar H5 - LED processor with scaler, 3 input cards DP1.2/HDMI2.0, max. input resolution of one input DP 4096×2160@60Hz or 8192×1080@60Hz , max input rtesolution of one HDMI 3840×2160@60Hz,  3 output sending cards 16xRJ45+2x Fiber,max resolution for each output card  up to 10,400,000 pixels, max. width 10,240 pixels, max. height 10,240 pixels).
Novastar UHDJ - LED processor with scaler, max. input resolution 3840×2160 @60Hz, output sending card 16xETHCON up to 10 400 000 pix, max width or height 8192 pix
Novastar CVT4K -
16 ETHCON output stage box with MAIN/BACKUP 150m optical wires for H5, MCTRL 4K and UHDJ
Novastar VX4/VX6 - LED processor with scaler for FullHD signals
Novastar R5 - LED processor without scaler for FullHD signals

Rail system for horizontal move of large LED screens – screen width up to 12 meters

Large LED screens - outdoor

GLOSHINE LEGEND 5,9 – LED wall, pixel pitch 3.9 mm, pannels 50 × 100 cm and 50 × 50 cm, straight locks,  broadcast version, weight 26 kg/m2, power consumption 400/600m

Lightking DCU6L – LED wall, pannels 64 × 64 cm, straight locks, pixel pitch 6.6 mm

Transparent LED

MESH TRINITY 3,9 x 7,8 –  Transparent LED MESH, pixel pitch 3,9mm horizontal, 7,8mm vertical, panel size 1x0,5m, brightness 5000 nit, curved locks +/- 15 degrees, weight 17kg/m2, power consumption 400/660W