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The big premiere of the long-awaited video is here. Check it out below.  

Thirty years ago, we rented our first audiovisual equipment and this year we technically supported the President Summit, the largest and most prestigious event within the framework of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU. The video captures the preparation and implementation of this extraordinary event.

The President Summit took place at the Prague Castle and we were the main technical partner. We prepared 13 variants of the technical solution, and our technology was practically everywhere.

It was an unimaginably complex and live order, for which we supplied 90 tons of technology and dozens of people on the implementation team.

Our colleagues encountered a number of challenges during the event, including connectivity, which is not exactly ideal at the Prague Castle. But we handled everything.  

It was a great ride and many thanks to everyone involved in making the President Summit possible. Now take a look at the video below to see how we got the job done.  

President Summit 2022 | AV MEDIA EVENTS