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We are proud to have won three beautiful “Eva” statues for winning in three categories in Czech Event Awards! We won in the category of Technical Supplier of the Year and the Jägermeister Undercover Games party was awarded twice – as the B2C Best Guerrilla Marketing and Unconventional Event. Our Retail Summit took second place in the Conferences and Congresses category.

In addition towinning the Technical Supplier of the Year category, AV MEDIA was awarded another two first places and one second. In the B2C Events - Guerrilla Marketing category, the marketing project entitled Undercover Games 2 won with the project implemented for the Jägermeister brand. For a series of these events, the company provided all AV technology and also participated in the conception and design of the events. The aim of the series of parties in a conspiracy style was to maintain the Jägermeister brand presence within a specific subculture, but also appeal to a wider audience. This was achieved through a very innovative way of placing clues using the Snapchat app. Due to its very unusual design, the project was awarded Special Prize for an Unconventional Event.

Second place in the category of B2C Events - Conferences and Congresses was won by one of the best retail networking platforms in the EU – the Retail Summit, whose mission is to initiate inspiring appearances by Czech and foreign entrepreneurs, managers and experts and discussions about the possibilities and conditions of doing business on the Central European market. AV MEDIA provided the entire audio-visual technology for the event and this project even won 1st place in the InAVation Awards international competition in the category of Live Event in March this year.

Czech Event Awards (CEA) is a national competition for the best achievements in the field of event marketing, which aims to award outstanding event projects, premium service suppliers and exceptional personalities, and thus contribute to increasing the importance of event marketing in the Czech Republic. The Event Marketing Association Czech Republic, o.s. was the organizer and promoter of the second-annual competition in association with Event & Promotion s.r.o.