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Vladimir 518 released his third solo album called Ultra! Ultra! and celebrated it with a spectacular audio-visual show.

Vladimir 518 is one of the oldest rappers of the Czech hip hop scene, a member of the PSH group and the founder of Bigg Boss label group. This Czech artist just released his new album called Ultra! Ultra! and celebrated it with a great party in four cities - in Prague, Brno, Bratislava and Ostrava.

The shows celebrating Vladimir 518’s album Ultra! Ultra! will undoubtedly be a magnificent spectacle and a celebration of perfectionism. "For me, this christening is the culmination of my third solo album.  It could be said that these are the most important events in the last few years. It's a kind of manifestation of what I do, how I do it, it’s my complex work,” said Vladimir 518 about the upcoming christening of the third horizon of his solo work, the album Ultra! Ultra!.

The performance of Vladimir 518 is dominated by two things. The first is a 3D projection that fans can see by using special goggles they receive at the entrance. The expert consultant of this technologically demanding solution was Jan Buriánek from AV MEDIA and our technical team was responsible for on-site check-in. The second technological feature is the kinetic triangle that moves in all directions from the centre of the stage. In the middle of the triangle is an LED 3Dcube and the sides are fitted out with lights. The team worked for several long weeks in the AV MEDIA warehouse to provide both solutions.

The primary originator of the whole concept is David Vrbík, who has spent many years working with Vladimir, whether on their own Spam project or in theatres and scenography. The SPAM audio-visual project originally arose as an experimental offshoot of the TOW theatre group, whose specialization was combining sound and pictures in many different ways. AV MEDIA has been cooperating with this group since the Olympic Games in London in 2012, where we tried the automatic synchronization of audio, video and laser out for the first time in the Czech House.

I would hate to reveal more [about the concert, note, Red] to keep people in suspense. However, these three concerts will probably never be repeated, as the stage set mentioned is quite demanding and also expensive. So, for anyone who is interested in seeing what I'm up to now, these three concerts are a unique opportunity to find out,” Vladimir added. All events are also connected to the Signal Festival, because the kinetic triangle, originally created for the christenings mentioned above, is transformed into another installation that will be used at the upcoming Signal Festival.

FOTO: Lukáš Wagneter / Red Bull Media House, Adam Holzl

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