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Sporty August full of Basketball with FIBA

Yventech, a member of oneAVteam, is the best choice when choosing your sport event AV partner. August was full of baskteball for them.

FIBA 3x3 WORLD Tour Prague 2017 took place in Wenceslas square on 5th and 6th of August. YVENTECH has been cooperating with FIBA on the 3x3 world tour for three years now. The International Olympic committee has included Basketball 3x3 into the Olympic program, so we can look forward to the new Olympics discipline at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Games. At the end of August, another basketball event took place "the grand prize of the traditional poll for the best players of the season 2016/17" in Marian Spa. At the event BASKETBALL OF YEAR 2017, YVENTECH provided all the AV equipment.

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