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Presentation of Arena winter collection

This year’s Arena winter collection was presented in Rotterdam. AV MEDIA, once again, provided for a smooth course of the conference part.

The conference workshop for key worldwide distributors took place at the beautiful modern NHOW hotel in Rotterdam. Arena do all within their power to make every presentation of their new collection innovative with new technologies involved.

That is why AV MEDIA designed and implemented a scene with three FullHD projections and a back drop sized at 23 x 3.5 meters. Centrally, front projection was used, directed onto a removable screen. The two remaining side projections were arranged from the rear. The hall was outfitted with corporate branding implemented as large scale colour printouts, with covered glass windows or separate graphic elements. The atmosphere of the conference evening was accompanied with ROBE lights and JBL sound.
We are happy to attach the recognition of the work delivered by our team from our client:
"As usual, it has been a pleasure to work with you and Michael: your professional and accurate approach has made the difference and since some seasons have contributed to bring Arena meetings up to a higher level. Then I would like to underline that we have particularly appreciated the level of preparation and positive attitude of the technical guys assisting us at the meeting in Rotterdam: I do hope that we will have the chance to cooperate with them again.
So on behalf of the whole Arena team, I would like to sincerely thank all of you for the work done in Rotterdam."

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