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Jägermeister Danced Away Kolbenka

Jägermeister Prague once again showed how to throw a proper party and AV MEDIA could not have missed it!

The fact that Jägermeister organizes entirely original and memorable events was demonstrated a month ago, when the Undercover Games party won two awards at the Czech Event Awards competition. This year Jägermeister came up with a completely new party concept called “Don’t Stop Hunting”. The event was extremely successful and we are already looking forward to the years to come!

The hip-hop legend James Cole was unveiled on Friday, 27 May in the stylish surroundings of Kolbenka in Prague. We first had a chance to hear tracks from his new album Orpheus, which was released a few days after the event. The entire unrivalled show saw performances by all Jäger Vibes groups, during which jointly and in an once-in-a-lifetime performance played Rae Montana, Akvamen, Radimo, Dead Sailor, Robot and an orchestra with classical music. The end of the evening belonged to DJs NobodyListen and Akvamen.

Viewers were able to fully enjoy not only great sounding music, but also wonderfully frosty Jägermeister, with which beautiful hostesses circulated the hall. There was even a delicious meal, which was provided by skilful chefs from the Salt'n'Pepa food truck. And for those who had not had enough yet, an accompanying programme was prepared, where several artists were introduced. Before the eyes of onlookers, they managed to create five huge paintings on the theme of Jägermeister, of course.

AV MEDIA again took care of the audio-visual side of this unforgettable party. The atmosphere of the evening was created by Robe lights (Pointe, Wash 600 and 1200) that created a prime location for a music event in the old factory hall. The sound for this extremely challenging acoustic space was provided by L-Acoustics speakers.

The production of the entire evening was provided by ŠAFY Production s.r.o.

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