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For several years AV MEDIA EVENTS has been the main video-partner at one of the biggest festivals in the Czech republic Colours of Ostrava.

This year we provided video cameras with transmission to LED walls which were placed at almost every stage. We installed LED walls to the Liberty Stage, Orlen Stage and Glo Stage.

Our favourite stage?  The Liberty Stage where we placed two LED walls 4x7m on the side, one LED wall as the centre LED 12x5 m and LED wall on the delay tower 4x7m. We provided the full video support here.

At the entrance of the festival we installed a LED gate in an unusal form, the LED wall served as a security feature to organise people at the entrance, including people with various handicaps.  The content on the wall served also for speeding up access to the premises of the festival.

A part of the festival is the Meltingpot Forum which took place in the GONG area, we installed a projection, robotic cameras and transcript of the lectures which were displayed on all screenings.

Take a look at the pictures down below to get a feeling of the festival.

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