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Alice in Wonderland Visited the Hilton Hotel

The Caterpillar, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Alice and many other guests from the fabulous world appeared at a magical party at the Hilton at the end of June.

The congress hall at the Hilton Hotel in Prague was transformed into a place where witchcraft and magic prevailed. The five hundred guests that came to the party dressed in Alice in Wonderland costumes were greeted by the Hilton’s business team dressed as white rabbits at the entrance. Each of them had to go through a magical burrow leading to the mythical realm of Hiltonland, where more bunnies awaited them, this time with a pink welcome drink. In the hall, cooks served international delicacies from two renowned Hilton restaurants, Zinc and CzechHouse Grill & Rotisserie, as well as cocktails prepared by bartenders from Cloud 9 Sky Bar & Lounge.

Not only were the tables awash with refreshments, but the programme full of surprises was too. A professional dance group called Neonheads performed with giant bubbles with artists sometimes hiding in them and the guests could also vote for the best costume, which was won by the Queen of Hearts. The whole evening was moderated by Petr Vondráček in his faultless Mad Hatter costume.

There was also a raffle for prizes such as stays at Hilton Hotels worldwide, which collected a generous CZK 50,000, which will support education for young people from orphanages and foster care. Michael Specking, General Manager of both Hilton Hotels in Prague, personally handed the money over to Petra Zapletalová, who represented the Tereza Maxová Foundation.

AV MEDIA, one of the main partners of the event, took care of the complete technical support and helped evoke the magical atmosphere at the Hilton Hotel in Prague utilizing modern technology like a12-metre-long LED wall, on which entertaining scenes with fairy tale motifs were played throughout the evening, and four lateral projections. The guests expressed huge interest in the interactive bar, where special technology and mapping objects that are placed on the bar were illuminated. In the foyer TableMapping was once again displayed on the tables. The atmosphere of the room was complimented by Robe lighting and an L'Acoustic sound system.

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