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A Charitable Bazaar Secured CZK 102,337 for Letní dům – Thank you!

The eighth Charity Bazaar was organized by the Letní dům NPO in náměstí Míru in Prague, which we are pleased and proud to support.

A charitable bazaar was held once again this spring for the Letní dům NPO, which is traditionally held in náměstí Míru in Prague. The proceeds from the sale are used to help children and young people growing up in foster care or without a functioning family background to experience a happy childhood and an independent and fulfilled life. This year it managed to sell donated goods to the tune of CZK 102,337, which Letní dům will use to implement their programmes.

The weather forecast on 31.5.2016 was not promising, as was eventually proven to be true. However, despite this “disaster” in náměstí Míru, Letní dům persevered so when the sun reappeared again after three o’clock in the afternoon, visitors could start buying again.

AV MEDIA contributed an employee collection of things for sale, lent the technology and the volunteer work of some colleagues in the final stage before the bazaar and on the actual day of the bazaar in náměstí Míru square.

We would like to thank everyone who aided us in helping Letní dům and we are already looking forward to the next bazaar.

More information about the Letní dům non-profit organization can be found here.  

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