Dear customers and business partners,We would like to inform you that with effect from January 01, 2021, there will be a change of the company name of AV MEDIA, a.s., Reg. No.: 48108375, with registered office at Pražská 1335/63, 10200 Prague 10.
The company’s name changes to: AV MEDIA SYSTEMS, a.s.
With this name change, the company has completed the project of splitting up AV MEDIA, a.s., which started in 2018; the new name clearly shows that AV MEDIA SYSTEMS, a.s. focuses and will continue to focus on the sale and installation of system audiovisual technology, while AV MEDIA EVENTS, a.s. will deal with the rental of audiovisual technology and organizing events.
We would like to assure you that, apart from the company’s name, all data such as Registration and VAT Numbers, contacts and bank account numbers remain valid and unchanged.